I’ve seen some poorly worded error messages before, but this has to be one of the worst! Well at least you didn’t get a ’blue screen of death’ or even a ’red screen of death’ for that matter.
I had a real chuckle when linking to Kev’s web page and found the pancake bunney. Thanks Kev, for bringing some sunshine into my day. I wanted to post this comment on your site but couldn’t find where to post under that photo. Anyway, it’s been fun :) Happy regards from Anthony’s Mom.
I had the comments turned off on that post. I’ve been disabling comments on all the posts except the latest 3, in order to minimize comment spam.
Anyway, I turned comments back on for that post, if you’d like:click here to leave a comment. Please do not feel obligated to post, I just thought I’d let you know.