
Last night, Kim took me out to Bravo! for our one-year anniversary.  We had never been there before, and I really loved it.  It’s like a more fancy version of Carrabba’s or the Olive Garden, with more space (higher ceilings, and tables farther apart) and completely non-smoking.

I got the "catch of the day" which was swordfish, and it was delicious.  Swordfish is the only fish that I like (well, and shark) because it doesn’t taste fishy like most fish.

Working backwards: the salad was also fantastic.  It was a "chopped" salad, which meant that there were no huge pieces of lettuce or whole slices of tomatoes or cucumbers; everything was sliced & diced small enough that you could eat it by the forkful without getting it all over the sides of your mouth because the pieces are too big.  (OK, so maybe I’m the only one with that problem.)  Also, the italian dressing was wonderful, maybe even better than the Olive Garden’s, which I also love.

Finally, the initial bread with dipping oil.  This is one of my favorite things to eat ever, and here it was as good if not better than at Carrabba’s.  The only thing Carrabba’s has on Bravo! is that the bread wasn’t warm at Bravo!

The one negative comment I have about Bravo! is that above the sink in the bathroom, there is a sign that says:


Aside from the fact that that’s just grammatically stupid, I’m fairly bothered by the fact that the people preparing my food didn’t actually have to wash their hands, and instead can get away with some kind of finger-quotey mock rendition of hand-washing.

Posted by Anthony on 4 replies


01. Sep 14, 2005 at 07:49am by The Mom:

mmmmmm...sounds so good, but none close to us.  I see there are 3 in Pittsburgh so they must be doing something right.

02. Sep 14, 2005 at 08:21am by Tasha Moyer:




Aside from the fact that that’s just grammatically stupid, I’m fairly bothered by the fact that the people preparing my food didn’t actually have to wash their hands, and instead can get away with some kind of finger-quotey mock rendition of hand-washing.

So funny!  I was at a Starbucks yesterday and there was a sign that said Employees, PLEASE remember to wash you hands.  Now they’re begging them?

03. Sep 14, 2005 at 12:52pm by kim:

Aw man, I can’t believe you beat me to the "wash hands" post.
I guess everyone will have to come out to Pittsburgh to visit us so we can go to Bravo! : )

04. Sep 15, 2005 at 11:02am by Tasha Moyer:

p.s. - when are we going to have a sibling Maggiano’s get together?  After the honeymoon perhaps???  MMMMMM

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