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...and what if the hokie-pokie really IS what it’s all about  ;->

But seriously, can anyone help me find a contact email address or a postal address or a phone number for the manufacturer of the Cabbage Patch Dolls?  I know the name listed at and is ’Pacific Playthings’ but the owner of that www domain name definately does not make these dolls. 

I thoughts since all you kids are out of school on summer break and have lots of spare time on your hands (hehe) you could do some searching  for me. 

Maria has two dolls that have a manufacturing defect and I want to contact the makers to see if they can remedy the situation.

Thanks much, lvuall

p.s.  Anthony, hope it’s ok to post a request on your messageboard  :-)

Posted by Mom on 1 reply


01. May 15, 2003 at 12:30am by Tasha:

Well Anthony’s Mom...
I saw this post, and thought that I would see if there was anything that I could find, and the only thing that I came up with is the Babyland General Hospital itself.. you can find out more at, I also read something about Mattel making the dolls today, but couldn’t find any information at the Mattel website. Anyway, I don’t know how much help this will be, but hopefully some. : )

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