25th hour

I just watched 25th hour last night, and just read your recent post about it.  I think the last ten minutes was Monty imagining how his life could turn out, as his dad was describing it.  Monty never gave his dad the word to turn west, so I got the impression that the last scene was them still on their way to prison.

Posted by Rolly on 1 reply


01. Jul 28, 2003 at 1:17pm by Anthony:

Yeah, I could see that being the case.  I sorta think that after his dad suggested going west, and Monty was thinking about it, then it flashes back to them in car... maybe at that point he is about to make the decision, and the movie deliberately ends there, without telling you what he decided.  Which would stink, of course, but maybe.  Did you watch it on DVD?  Maybe they explain stuff in the commentaries or something.  I didn’t look when I watched it.

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