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One Nation Under God
So now they’re trying (again) to remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance, because some atheist has nothing better to do than waste my tax money on another fraudulent court case. You know what, the first amendment does not guarantee that atheists will never have to hear the word "God" spoken. Our country was founded by Christians and there are references to God throughout our government. What the first amendment DOES do is guarantee that people have freedom to choose whatever religion (including Atheism) they want to.
There is no law that forces a person to say the pledge, so this is a moot point anyway. A kid could simply omit the "under God" part if he wants, or he could just not say the whole thing. No one is forcing him to say it, and certainly no one is forcing him to believe anything.
If this guy doesn’t believe in God, fine, no problem. But he is choosing to live in a country where the vast majority of people DO believe in God, a country that was founded on Christian principles by Christian people, a country whose leaders have been predominantly Christian for hundreds of years. If he’s going to throw a hissy-fit anytime he hears the word God then he picked the wrong country to live in. His poor judgement is not my problem so I shouldn’t be paying for it.
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