Posts 884 to 891:
Why does Windows have to be such a buggy freaking piece of crap??!?
I’m sitting here editing some text files, and all of a sudden, when I open a file in my text editor, the window is off-screen somewhere totally inaccessible. It has a taskbar button, and it’s pushed in indicating that the window has focus, but there is no window. If I right-click on the taskbar button and choose Maximize, the window appears, maximized; but if I then Restore it, it’s gone again.
If I right-click the taskbar button and choose Size or Move, my mouse cursor jumps to the screen’s upper-lefthand corner and turns to the arrow-cursor as if it’s on the edge of the window, ready for me to drag; but when I drag, nothing happens.
Now every single instance of my text editor that I start is invisible. And this has happened to me many times before, so I know from experience that this problem won’t go away until I reboot, which means I’ll have to close all my open windows -- about 20, which is typical for the way I work.
ARGH, this is so annoying. Someone please tell me you know a way to fix this!
Experimenting with AdSense
I just signed up for AdSense, Google’s ad program. NoDivisions gets about 150-200 unique visitors per day and I’m curious to see if that is at all monetizable. Right now I’ve placed the ad-box at the bottom of the navigation pane; I plan to leave it there for a few weeks, then move it higher up for a few weeks to see if/how that affects the click-through rate. But I doubt I’ll be happy with it at the very top of the nav section, before any of the actual navigational elements, so I may switch to a 3-column layout to have a little more flexibility there.
New Music: Patrick Nissley; Snow Patrol
Patrick Nissley is one musician I can’t stop listening to right now. He’s actually the brother of my friend Andy, which is the only way I ever would have discovered him, and that bothers me because his stuff is so good that he should be extremely well-known. Unfortunately that’s not how the music industry works, but I digress.
Patrick’s music is largely electronic, but it’s not techno really, and not really electronica, or anything like that. Trying to describe music in words is always hard, and not really necessary when you can just instantly listen to the music to see for yourself, but I do want to say that while the music itself is good, the vocals are extremely strong and good.
So, on to the music: Andy sent me 2 unfinished recordings that Patrick made a while ago, called October and Prove. When I contacted Patrick to ask if I could post these on my site, he basically said "sure, but those aren’t finished..." Trust me, download them right now, because they are probably ten times better than whatever else you might happen to be listening to right now.
Patrick has only 3 songs that are publicly available that I know of: they are all available on MySpace, which sucks, but at least he did enable the "download" option so you don’t have to go back to the MySpace page every time you want to listen to them. The first song is Everywhere Everything, released under the name Monodramatic, and the other 2 songs are The Waiting Time and The Lovers Dancing, released under the name The Takeover (which is actually a whole band and not just Patrick making all the music 100% himself).
Update: Patrick’s current band is called Inner Party System (or maybe it’s InnerPartySystem with no spaces).
The other band that I’m playing nearly nonstop right now is the pop/rock band Snow Patrol. Apparently they toured with U2 on the Vertigo tour, and had a song on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy last month, and have a couple singles on the radio, but I had never heard of them until someone uploaded one of their songs onto my FileChucker demo. I’m hooked on their album Eyes Open, which you can listen to some of on their website.
More New Get-A-Mac Ads
Apple has 3 new Get a Mac ads and they’re even better than the last ones. My favorite lines are from "Out of the Box":
PC: What’s your big plan?
Mac: I might make a home movie, or maybe create a website, try out my built-in camera; I can do it all right out of the box. So what about you?
PC: First I gotta download those new drivers, then I gotta erase the trial software that came on my hard drive...
Mac: Sweet.
Mac: Let me know when you’re ready to go.
PC: Actually, the rest of me is in some other boxes, so... I’ll meet up with you later.
These played fine under Firefox/Linux, but skipped horribly for me on Firefox/Windows. In case you have that problem too (or if you just hate inline videos like I do) here are direct links to the ads:
Out of the Box ToucheRelocation
I’m thinking of moving this site from to
The nodivisions domain name has served me well, but ever since I purchased the domain last year, I’ve been wanting to do something more with it than just have it be the address of my home network. I just think that "" is so short and so cool, and I feel like I’m letting its full potential go to waste because no one except me ever uses it.
There are quite a few pages on the internet that link to, so I’d still maintain this name for at least a year, and maybe indefinitely. It would simply auto-redirect to the corresponding page on
Any thoughts?
Apple Throwing Its Weight Around
Apple has been in trouble lately in Europe, because the songs they sell on the iTunes Music Store are locked by a DRM scheme that makes them unplayable on any Digital Audio Player except the iPod. When the average Joe goes into Best Buy, he can purchase any one of a bewildering array of makes and models of DAPs, of which the iPod is only one; but if he purchases one of those non-iPod devices, then the songs he buys from iTMS won’t play on it. That’s stupid, and I know at least a couple people who’ve been in exactly that situation, so I can see why governments or trade groups are mad at Apple over it.
But according to a recent article on Ars, Apple may also be in trouble in Norway for a different reason:
Quoting Ars Technica:
Norwegian law provides a "cooling off" period after a purchase, during which the consumer can opt out of a transaction and return the merchandise for a full refund. Needless to say, there’s no cooling-off period in iTMS’ terms of service.
Now that’s really stupid.
This is 2006. You can’t just take old laws that applied to physical goods and slap them onto digital transactions without considering the differences between the situations. In particular, digital goods (like music files, video files, and computer programs) are fundamentally incapable of being returned. That’s because there’s no way to guarantee full return of a digital product; the merchant has no way to be sure that the consumer has deleted the original file, or that he hasn’t made any copies of it.
In general, I’m a big fan of the whole idea of return policies. But when the product is instantly available with just a few mouse clicks, when it’s something that you’ve most likely already heard before, and when it costs 99-freakin’-cents, then I think that 1) the consumer needs to show a little restraint and take responsibility for his actions, rather than having a government force companies to give him a "cooling off" period, and 2) anyone who’s pretending that it’s a big deal to not be able to return a 99-cent song needs to just stop pretending.
Thought for the week from church yesterday: when we give (in tithe, or to charity, or just in general), God doesn’t consider the amount we give as much as the amount that’s left over.
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