Comcast: I'm With It. I'm Hip.

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Ugh.  I’m not even particularly cool, but even I had to gag a little bit when I read that.

Nice job, Comcast.  I can’t think of a better way to say "Hi, I’m a clueless 50-something business executive, and I’m trying really hard to sound hip for the kids in the 18-35 demographic!"

Posted by Anthony on 2 replies


01. Apr 5, 2008 at 09:45pm by Mike:

Comcast is evil.  It’s the Michigan of cable providers.  I’m so glad I have Service Electric now with the problems I’ve had with them down in Maryland. 

Also, I just had a conversation with a friend today about the word "hip."  Basically, we decided that anyone who actually uses that word seriously in a sentence has absolutely no authority to decide what is "hip" and what isn’t.

02. Apr 9, 2008 at 03:04pm by Anthony:

Yeah.  You might as well proclaim yourself to be "tubular."

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