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This is the strangest spam I’ve ever received:
From: rick byerly <rgbyerly@fastmail.fm>
Subject: weird but funny animation
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2004 01:36:56 -0800the mullet catcher animation
if you don’t want to be emailed animations just reply to this email with the subject: remove...
(Interestingly, there is no To: header on the message at all.)
At that website, there’s a short flash animation of some kid with a vacuum sucking up some other kid by the mullet, and then tying him up, and sprinkling chocolate flakes on some kind of toast or something, while the tied-up mullet kid watches. It’s thoroughly bizarre.
Then, it automatically redirects you to a page where they’re selling a CD full of "eclectic" farm music. You can sample each track, and each sample is a flash page with music playing and some weird photo, like a horse or llama or something.
Nowhere on any of the pages are there any ads, no flashy graphics, no begging you to buy their stuff. If all spam were as off-the-wall and unobtrusive as this, it would be considerably less bothersome.
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