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When I was younger, we had this toy called knickerbockers, or maybe nickerbockers (no "k"). It was just two hard plastic balls connected by a string that was about 12-18 inches long. The balls were about the size of a golf ball and were brightly colored (orange?).
This strange device also came with one other piece, a small flat plastic stick with a hole in one end, which was the handle for the device. You pulled the center of the string (as a loop) through the hole in the handle, and then put the balls through the loop in the string so that the string was then locked onto the handle.
The idea was, you would hold the handle out in front of you, so the two halves of the string both hung straight down below the handle, with the balls at the bottom. You’d then rapidly move the handle up and down, causing the balls to swing apart, out to the sides, and up to the top above the handle, each one forming a half-circle, where they’d then slam together.
I think the point of the toy was the cool sound that the balls made when they clicked together. Or, the cool sound they made when you separated them from the handle and threw them really hard into the air across your yard.
Anyway, I haven’t seen this toy anywhere for years, and I can’t seem to find it online. Does anybody else remember this toy, or better yet, know where it could be bought today?
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