Mike Huckabee / Chuck Norris Ad
Best commercial I’ve seen in a long time. Probably the best political ad ever, and certainly Huckabee has the best sense of humor of any of the candidates that I’ve seen so far.
"There’s no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard, only another fist." That’s gold.
This might actually beat HomestarRunner as the best use of Flash on the internet.
Be sure to turn your sound on, and listen for at least a minute.
Monkeys Attack Indian Politician
They killed him, which is tragic, and it was apparently over peanuts, which seems senseless. But this is just unbelievable:
Quoting the BBC:
The city has long struggled to counter its plague of monkeys, which invade government complexes and temples, snatch food and scare passers-by.
One approach has been to train bands of larger, more ferocious langur monkeys to go after the smaller groups of Rhesus macaques.
The Sad Truth
Audio and Video
How do you improve on one of the greatest songs of all time? Well, you put it into the pilot episode of Miami Vice, for one thing. But what if it’s 2007? Then you make a video of a freakin’ gorilla playing the drums for the song. (If anyone can figure out how to actually download a copy of that video, let me know.)
In other audio-related news, the August 4th 2007 episode of Car Talk is hilarious. I mean generally this show is really funny, but this episode is especially good.
And what would be a post on NoDivisions without a comment about the iPhone? Let me just say that one of my favorite things about the iPhone is that, thanks to iTunes’ podcast support, I always have the 5 latest episodes of all my favorite radio shows with me -- Security Now, Car Talk, The Radio Factor, Science Friday... Sadly, those last 2 are only previews, not the full shows, which is just dumb.
Also dumb is that NPR won’t make a podcast of All Things Considered. What’s the point of that? First of all, it’s free to listen to on the radio every day. Second, it’s free to stream from the NPR website every day. Third, it’s "National Public Radio," which prides itself on being all free and open. So what are they so afraid of when it comes to making a podcast of it? It’s just another example of a clueless dinosaur media outfit paralyzed by FUD when it comes to the internet and technology -- which is especially pathetic in the case of NPR which is supposed to be all liberal and progressive and forward-thinking.
New Cheshire Photos
Here are some more kitten pictures from March. The set contains a few funny movie clips too, of Cheshire attacking his orange ball.

Apparently the people who lived here before us had DirecTV. We’ve never had it, and we sure don’t now. A few days ago I heard what sounded like a metal trash can blowing around in the parking lot, but, no, it’s just a satellite dish hanging from the roof and banging against the siding. I told the landlord about it a few days ago, but nothing’s come of that yet.

That’s quite possibly the longest and most complex URL that I’ve ever seen in an advertisement. Did no one at IBM (or their ad agency) realize that a 30-character URL including 3 sublevels is the opposite of simple?
Fun From The Visitor Log

I’m #9 for the first one and #12 for the second, just behind a page titled "Cameron Diaz Sweaty Armpit."
LOLCODE and CatCam
You probably have to be part programmer and part internet-speak-geek to really get LOLCODE, but it’s hilarious. Examples:
CatCam is something I think everyone can appreciate. Some guy put a small digital camera on his cat’s collar and set it to take photos every few minutes automatically, and then let the cat wander around outside as usual, to find out what his cat does during the day. He then posted the photos online. The cat goes and hangs out with other cats, finds a snake, goes into the neighbor’s garage, etc. The best part is the captions. "Friend or enemy?" "Secret cat den?" Check out the photo pages: one, two, three, four.
Housefly Hunter
Cheshire has been running around here chasing a fly that was buzzing along the wall. He finally caught the fly while it was hanging around a small table lamp. He batted at the fly with his paws until it mostly stopped moving, and then he ate it. Now he’s running around crying because he can’t find the fly.
Funny Warning Labels
Electronics manuals are goldmines of great warning labels.
This is from an air conditioner I just bought:

Yes, don’t try to cool your precision with it. I love how concerned the second air conditioner is. Noooo!! Don’t drink it, son, it contains containments!
And this is from a hard drive I just bought:

iTunes on Windows
Steve Jobs was interviewed last night at "D", the All Things Digital conference. Best line:
Quoting RSJ:
We’ve got cards and letters from lots of people that say that iTunes is their favorite app on Windows. It’s like giving a glass of ice water to somebody in Hell.
Since I run Linux I don’t have much use for Mac OS X nor Windows. But I used to be a Windows user, and unfortunately I still need to keep it around because of friggin’ IE, and I can say that it’s certainly the closest OS to Hell that I’ve used. I also need to keep a Mac OS X system around because of friggin’ Safari, and we’ve now watched quite a few episodes of The Office on it, and it really is quite a joy to use. iTunes really is pretty sweet, it’s awesome to be able to download a whole 350 MB TV show in 8 minutes, and the interface for the video player is totally lickable.
Update: check out the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates interview. I’m only halfway through it so far and it’s been really interesting. (Note: the video embedded in that page is just the prologue; scroll down for links to the rest of the presentation [i.e. the actual interview].)
Concerning Operating Systems
recently said to me about cleaning out a Windows install vs reformatting:
"It’s like getting rid of a zombie in a building, you can walk around looking for the zombie and take a while, or you can just burn the entire thing down."
Dilbert and Email Etiquette
The past couple of Daily Dilbert comics have been near and dear to my heart:

Google Maps Easter Egg
Kim just sent me this one. Go to Google Maps, click on the "Get Directions" tab, and get directions from New York City to Paris. In the resulting directions, check out step #23.
Gotta love Google. The one about the moon was great too.
Best April Fools' Day Hoaxes
Here are 10 good ones. My favorite:
In 1996, American fast-food chain Taco Bell announced that it had bought Philadelphia’s Liberty Bell, a historic symbol of American independence, from the federal government and was renaming it the Taco Liberty Bell.
Outraged citizens called to express their anger before Taco Bell revealed the hoax. Then-White House press secretary Mike McCurry was asked about the sale and said the Lincoln Memorial in Washington had also been sold and was to be renamed the Ford Lincoln Mercury Memorial after the automotive giant.
Funny Internet Searches
Here’s a couple of good ones that people have used to find me recently:
What Is a the Neutered Chicken Called? why did thomas jefferson hated factorial system?
Hmm, yes... inquiring minds want to know.
(And notice how I refrained from titling this "Stupid Internet Searches" despite the flagrant abuses of capitalization and the past tense.)
Funny Warning Labels
Kim and I took a short trip down to Ocean City NJ this weekend. We had never been there during the winter so it was a new experience. The place was a ghost town, as you might imagine: entire blocks of Asbury Ave and West Ave that are well-nigh impossible to find a parking spot on during the summer were completely vacant.
There were some people around -- apparently enough that Mack & Manco and Uncle Bill’s are open year-round, which alone makes the trip worth it -- but walking along the boardwalk for a while, we saw maybe a dozen people, and on the beach we saw only 2.
Anyway, at the corner of 8th & Atlantic I saw this sticker on a utility box and had to get a photo:

Close-up of the best part:

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