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3 posts found containing state college cave.

1. J4
(by Frank, on Jan 19, 2006, at 01:04am)
... lot, they bring back some good memories. I must have been in that cave a dozen times while at Penn State in the early 90's and didn't take one stinkin' photo! What's with the straps in the entry ... fun to hear from another J4er. I live in Pittsburgh now, and J4 is the #1 thing I miss about State College. Yeah, from what I heard, it was closed after the land was bought by some company (a quarry ... Out of the blue I was thinking about the J4 cave today and found [link /photos/search/?j4]your photos[endlink] after a quick Google search. Thanks ...
2. Thoughts
(by Anthony, on March 28, 2004, at 02:57am)
... been to just sit back, relax and let friendships evolve. That worked for me until I came up to State College where I have not made a new friend in two years that did not stem from a previously ... . I think all you need is 2 or 3 good friends that are close by to chill with. Believe me, after college you won't have the amount of "free" time that you have right now. As far as girls are concerned, I ... the view that it has to be some kind of event or trip or phase in your life. Unless you live in a cave, you interact with people every day who you can serve in any number of ways and/or share the gospel...
3. On the JIC tip
(by Anthony, on January 24, 2003, at 4:01pm)
... of water laying around in the spaces we had to crawl through. This place is about an hour from State College, roughly 45 West to 550 West to... something else. The trip took us through a ton of nice ... water laying around in the spaces we had to crawl through. This place is about an hour from State College, roughly 45 West to 550 West to... something else. The trip took us through a ton of nice farmland ... Spelunking with Nate, Trev, and the gang in Fieldtrip cave. If I don't reply to this within a day, please send help. Safe and sound and clean now. This ...

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