Tutorial, continued

Here is some more code.  You should start with the first one, and type each one into a text document and compile it.  Then change something, play around with the code, and recompile to see how things work.  If you mess something up (like forgetting a semicolon or a closing quote), the compiler will give you some error messages and it won't create your program.  You need to fix the errors and recompile.

One note: you need to end each "statement" with a semicolon.  int main() is not a statement (it's a function), and neither is #include <iostream.h> (it's a preprocessor directive), so they don't end with semicolons.  But cout << "blah blah blah"; and return 0; are statements, so at the end of them, you need a semicolon.  Note that a statement can span more than one line, so every line doesn't necessarily end with a semicolon.

If all that's confusing, just check out the code and you'll see.


Teaches some basic text formatting, including newlines (\n and endl) and tabs (\t).  Also explains comments.


Teaches variable usage, and how to input keyboard data (with cin).

View some programs that I've written