Interesting Videos
Here’s a video about whether you should quit your job to become a musician, and in particular about the (un)glamorous life of a touring rock band. It sounds about right from what Andy tells me.
This is apparently the greatest freakout ever. Someone sent it to me a few weeks ago, and then I saw it again last week on The Factor, so you’ve probably already seen it by now. Be warned though, it’s probably as disturbing as it is hilarious.
Finally there’s the most effective alarm clock in the world. I just placed my order.
Link Salad
Various tidbits seen over the past week or two:
From the Times Square Tea Party: "Do I look like a racist redneck teabagger to you?"
A hilarious Good Samaritan story by Scott Adams:
Luckily I did not have jumper cables, because if I did, I knew we would be late for the movie. I did my best to make a face that said, "I sure wish I could help," while being secretly gleeful that this was officially not my problem. I wondered if the young man thought I was lying about not having jumper cables. My fake sincerity face looks like a mime with an intestinal infection.
Joe Biden on rural broadband funding:
The bottom line is, you can’t function -- a nation can’t compete in the 21st century -- without an immediate, high-quality access for everything from streaming video to information overline.
I don’t know what I’d do without a high-quality access to information overline. In fact, I don’t even know what that means.
This article claims that wheat bread is no better than white bread. But what’s interesting is some of the detailed information about metabolic functions that it contains.
From amazon: Classic Live Lobster Combo for Two People. I don’t suppose it needs to be said that amazon rocks, this rocks, and "Lobsters-Online" rocks.
Ceiling cat. The photo of the cat looking down is great.
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